About SheLearns

Empowering girls. Transforming communities.

We are a non-profit organization based in Uganda, driven by a vision of a just world that upholds women and children’s rights and promotes equality for all. We believe in the power of education, advocacy, and support to create lasting change and empower marginalized individuals.

Our mission is simple yet powerful: to amplify the voices of those who have been silenced and to stand up for those who are fighting for their rights. We firmly believe that every person, regardless of their gender, deserves to live in peace, receive an education, and be free from abuse.

One of our core focuses is addressing the alarming rates of abuse and violence that women and girls face in Uganda. We recognize that many women and girls are trapped in a cycle of oppression and violation simply because they are perceived as inferior and denied their basic human rights. At SheLearns, we are committed to breaking this cycle and providing support to survivors of abuse, ensuring they are treated with dignity and given equal opportunities to rebuild their lives.

Education lies at the heart of our approach. We believe that education is not only a fundamental right but also a powerful tool for empowerment. By providing access to quality education, we equip girls with the knowledge and skills they need to thrive, challenge societal norms, and become agents of change in their communities.

In addition to our education initiatives, we actively advocate for justice and equality. We believe that all civil and political rights that belong to boys should also be guaranteed to girls. By speaking out against gender discrimination and advocating for policy changes, we strive to create an inclusive society where girls and women can exercise their rights freely and without fear.

At SheLearns, we are proud to be independent and inclusive of all people and cultures. We believe that diversity is a strength and that every individual’s unique experiences and perspectives enrich our collective journey towards a more just world.

Join us in our mission to create a better future for girls and women. Together, we can break barriers, challenge norms, and build a society that values and respects the rights and dignity of every person.